Destination Information Geography Of Indonesia


Geography of Indonesia - Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago inward the world. It consists of 5 major islands together with well-nigh xxx smaller groups. There is a full pose out of 17,508 islands of which well-nigh 6000 are inhabited. Straddling equator, the archipelago is at a crossroads betwixt 2 oceans, the Pacific together with the Indian Ocean, together with bridges 2 continents, Asia together with Australia.

The territory of the Republic of Republic of Indonesia stretches from 6°08' N latitude to 11°15' S latitude, together with from 94°45' E to 141°05' E longitude. Total Area of Republic of Indonesia is 1,919,440 sq km (Land Area: 1,826,440 sq km; Water Area: 93,000 sq km).

 Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago inward the globe Destination information Geography of Indonesia
The 5 primary islands are: Sumatra (473,606 sq. km); the most fertile together with densely populated islands, Java/Madura (132,107 sq. km); Kalimantan, which comprises two-thirds of the isle of Kalimantan (539,460 sq km); Sulawesi (189,216 sq km); together with Irian Jaya (421,981 sq km), which is business office of the world's instant largest island, New Guinea. Indonesia's other islands are smaller inward size.

The province is predominantly mountainous amongst roughly 400 volcanoes, of which 100 are active. The highest mount is the perpetually snow-capped Mandala Top (15,300 feet) inward the Jaya Wijaya mount gain of Irian Jaya. Many rivers catamenia throughout the country. They serve every bit useful shipping routes on for sure islands, for example, the Musi, Batanghari, Indragiri together with Kampar rivers inward Sumatra; the Kapuas, Barito, Mahakam together with Rejang rivers inward Kalimantan; together with the Memberamo together with Digul rivers inward Irian Jaya.

Islands together with Territory
Republic of Indonesia is an archipelago province extending 5,120 kilometres (3,181 mi) from E to due west together with 1,760 kilometres (1,094 mi) from northward to south. According to a geospatial survey conducted betwixt 2007 together with 2010 yesteryear National Coordinating Agency for Survey together with Mapping (Bakosurtanal), Republic of Indonesia has 13,466 islands. However, according to the before survey conducted inward 2002 yesteryear National Institute of Aeronautics together with Space (LAPAN), the Indonesian archipelago has 18,307 islands. According to the CIA Factbook, in that place are 17,508 islands. The discrepancy of the numbers of islands inward Republic of Indonesia was caused yesteryear the before survey includes "tidal islands"; sandy cays together with rocky reefs that are appeared during depression tide together with submerged during high tide. There are 8,844 islands accept been named according to estimates made yesteryear the regime of Indonesia, amongst 922 of those permanently inhabited. It comprises 5 primary islands: Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan (known every bit "Kalimantan" inward Indonesia), Sulawesi, together with New Guinea; 2 major archipelagos (Nusa Tenggara together with the Maluku Islands); together with threescore smaller archipelagoes.

Four of the islands are shared amongst other nations: Kalimantan is shared amongst Malaysia together with Brunei; Sebatik, located off the eastern coast of Kalimantan, shared amongst Malaysia; Timor is shared amongst East Timor, together with the newly divided provinces of Papua together with West Papua part the isle of New Republic of Guinea amongst Papua New Guinea. Indonesia's full terra firma surface area is 1,919,317 foursquare kilometres (741,052 sq mi).

Included inward Indonesia's full territory is roughly other 93,000 foursquare kilometres (35,908 sq mi) of inland seas (straits, bays, together with other bodies of water). The additional surrounding sea areas pick out Indonesia's to a greater extent than oftentimes than non recognised territory (land together with sea) to well-nigh 5 meg foursquare kilometres. The government, however, too claims an exclusive economical zone, which brings the full to well-nigh 7.9 meg foursquare kilometres. Latitude = 5.00 S & Longitude = 120.00 E

Because business office of New Republic of Guinea is Indonesian territory, the province tin hold out said to straddle 2 continents, Asia together with Oceania (or, yesteryear roughly other definition, Asia together with Sahul). This, of course, is an arbitrary Definition of civilisation together with linguistic communication on the Asian side, since Republic of Indonesia has no territory on the Asian mainland.
Source: Wikipedia

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