Destination Information Gedong Songo Temple Java


Candi Gedong Songo (Gedong Songo Temple) is i of the attractions located inwards the Darun village, exactly the hamlet temple Bandungan District of Semarang regency, Central Java province. The argue is called the Gedong Songo Temple is a term of the Java linguistic communication that agency a edifice or temple of nine.
 is i of the attractions located inwards the Darun hamlet Destination information Gedong Songo Temple Java
Gedong Songo Temple

Gedong Songo Temple has a strategic location, exactly at an height of 1200 meters to a higher house body of body of water degree on the slopes of Mount Ungaran Semarang. The tourists from unlike corners easily able to access the sites, relish in addition to experience the scenery in addition to amenities provided inwards the tourist expanse some Gedong Songo Temple thus that the visitors were satisfied in addition to reluctant to larn out Gedong Songo Temple tours.

Besides the natural beauty, the mutual frigidity air amongst the breeze tin post away live enjoyed past times tourists inwards the Gedong Songo Temple edifice for near nineteen ° upwardly to 27 ° Celsius from the existing province of affairs capable of making the person of visitors quiet, peaceful, comfortable in addition to enjoyable.
Gedong Songo Temple has a unlike layout from i temple to some other temple. To larn to the temples are the visitors tin post away locomote past times foot, tin post away also live reached past times riding horses, both tin post away live done piece enjoying the atmosphere of outstanding natural beauty of the exquisite.

History of Gedong Songo Temple

Historians explicate the results of enquiry that Candi Gedong Songo is a heritage edifice of the Hindus In 1740 AD, the temples were discovered past times Sir Thomas Raffels. Gedong which consists of nine buildings of the temple was previously constitute alone amounted to vii so-called the Java linguistic communication is Gedong Pitu temple.

The lift of the shout out of Gedong Pitu has long been known in addition to lasted a fiddling over a one thousand years. In 1908-1911, Van Stein Callenfels was an archeologist who came from The Netherlands doing enquiry some Gedong Pitu. Three years inwards his enquiry he finally discovered 2 to a greater extent than temples located some the temple pitu. The add-on of 2 Gedong (temples), combined amongst the vii temples seen past times Raffels making the full to nine in addition to officially named Gedong Songo temple until today.

The temple edifice i amongst the other temples located inwards Gedong Songo temple tourist spot has a distance that is non besides far thus that the visitors chop-chop encompass in addition to environs the nine temples. Each temple of Gedong Songo temple has a history, equally good equally the uniqueness of unlike shapes.

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Gedong Songo Accommodation

In the expanse some the temple, at that topographic point are campground facilities in addition to thermal baths. There is a Equus caballus carry service that y'all tin post away operate to become to the place of the temple or to the site of the thermal baths for a fee of course. Some lodgings in addition to nutrient stalls also tin post away larn some the temple area.

How to larn to Gedong Songo Temple
To attain the tourist attractions, Gedong Songo tin post away go past times through diverse channels both from Semarang, Solo, in addition to Jogjakarta.

From Semarang, y'all tin post away walk on rail towards Solo or Yogyakarta, on the way y'all volition uncovering a gas station Lemah Abang. In forepart of which the T-junction in addition to and then plow correct to accept the path to Bandungan, direct route in addition to volition uncovering a T-junction inwards the second. And in addition to then accept a plow to the left, direct route until y'all finding a gas station inwards Palbapang Sumowono in addition to at that topographic point is T-junction in addition to and then retake a right, direct road, in addition to y'all came inwards the tourist expanse of Gedong Songo temple.

If y'all are inwards the town of Jogjakarta in addition to Magelang, accept the path to Semarang, later on arriving inwards Ambarawa at that topographic point is a junction located non far from the tourist attractions Ambarawa. At the T-junction accept the route to the left in addition to walk direct until y'all uncovering Bandungan T-junction, retake a left in addition to become correct to uncovering a gas station Sumowono in addition to then accept the direct route directions to the correct in addition to y'all volition run across the tourist expanse of Gedong Songo temple.

If you're inwards the urban pith of Solo to the tourist attractions Gedong Songo temple follows the path to Semarang. After arriving at the terminal Bawen, at that topographic point is the T-junction accept the left path to Ambarawa. From Ambarawa at that topographic point is T-junction accept to the right, direct route to the T-junction Bandungan in addition to then plow left in addition to boot the bucket along until y'all uncovering a gas station Palbapang Sumowono, at that topographic point is a T-junction inwards the route accept a correct direct in addition to then y'all volition come upwardly to the tourist expanse of Gedong Songo temple.

Entrance Fee Gedong Songo
For local travelers sized adults or children over v years of Rp 6.000 on the weekdays in addition to Rp 7.500 on the weekend. As for unusual tourists is Rp 50.000.

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